Read Bandwidth
For this benchmark, HD Tune Pro was used. It shows the potential read speed which you are likely to experience with these storage devices. We don’t put much stock in Burst speed readings and thus we no longer included it. The most important number is the Average Speed number. This number will tell you what to expect from a given drive in normal, day to day operations. The higher the average the faster your entire system will seem.

Write Performance
For this benchmark HD Tune Pro was used. To run the write benchmark on a drive, you must first remove all partitions from that drive and then and only then will it allow you to run this test. Unlike some other benchmarking utilities the HD Tune Pro writes across the full area of the drive, thus it easily shows any weakness a drive may have.

Just like the MX500 500GB before it, the sequential read performance of this drive is rather good bordering on great. Of course, once the pseudo-SLC write buffer is filled it will get slower but we doubt many will encounter such a scenario all that often in the real world. That is because this buffer is twice as large as the already generous 500GB’s. This certainly is how we like to see a review start and hopefully it is a sign of things to come.