Batman Arkham Origins Gaming Benchmark
Batman: AO is an action-adventure video game published by Warner Bros and released in October 2013. The game has a benchmark component to it that mimics game play and an average of four runs was taken.
The settings used in the testing below are highest settings for quality, VSync disabled and a resolution of 1920×1080 & 1440P. Anti-Aliasing is set to TXAA (high). Motion blur, Distortion, Lens Flare, Light Shafts, and Reflections set to On. Geometry, Dynamic Shadows, Depth of Field, and Ambient Occlusion all set to DX11 Enhanced.
Batman Arkham Origins is another game which was not overly impressed by the 980. That is to say it barely scrapes by what a 780Ti can do. By the same token, it achives parity and even a touch better than that using a lot less power. If NVIDIA ever scales the Maxwell core up to a 250 watt versions we would be very, very surprised if the resulting ‘980Ti’ would not out and out crush the best of the last generation.