Throwing a GTX 950 into the mix the J3160MD CPU became the bottleneck but did preform impressively well while playing on the same Medium High Settings we never dropped under 40 FPS but mostly they sat at a buttery smooth 60 FPS making for great game play.
CS:GO is still a massively played game with millions of players per month and requirements that are not in anyway high-end. Amazingly the FPS hit 119 when gaming but like LoL the J3160 CPU was the only thing holding the system back while playing CS:GO but still the cpu was more then enough to enjoy CS:GO with a dedicated GPU.
Now we throw a newer triple A game into the mix, that game being Fallout 4, setting all settings to High and AA off we found Fallout 4 ran impressively well, with a 37 FPS average the game felt enjoyable and looked great. The CPU again was the bottleneck but did run the game very well, the J3160MD really is an impressive SoC Board, CPU, GPU combo and because of this when a Dedicated GPU is thrown in the mix the J3160MD can make an impressive gaming system.