Packaging & Accessories: 9 out of 10
In typical Zotac fashion the shipping container is pretty much everything you could expect from a reputable video card manufacture. That is to say it is eye catching but not garish, durable but not needlessly heavy, and gets the job done. It also means the there are no goo-gaws included. So if you really want a Zotac doorknob hanger or faux movie poster… make one yourself as they don’t waste money on such frivolities – just the way we like it.
Functionality & Aesthetics:19 out of 20
This card just plain looks fast. The combination of aggressive, but not to caricature levels, angles with actually nice-looking LEDs is a winning one on the aesthetics front. On the performance front… there really is few that will equal it.
Build Quality & Warranty: 19 out of 20
This card is built like a swiss watch or German tank – but not a swiss tank which would be surreal. Its big, its fast and it just works. Better still the advanced fans really do keep noise levels in check as they provide plenty of static pressure to keep the thick radiators cool without spinning up to buzz saw speeds. Color us impressed. The only area that can be improved is in the warranty department which is merely ‘industry standard’ and that is out of place on such a beastly card.
Performance: 29 out of 30
There really is not much to like about the performance this card has to offer. Sure, it may be priced like a NVIDIA GTX 1070Ti entry level card… but its performance is also pretty much in line with them too.
Value: 19 out of 20
While the asking price is slightly higher than what the standard AMP! Edition will set buyer back the additional performance really does make up for it. Mix in noticeably lower noise and temperature levels and the value is surprisingly good for a ‘flagship’ grade GTX 1070.
Final Score: 95 out of 100