Please note these results represent a difference between each RAM option and not a difference in overall system performance. You will never see a double digit increase in performance from going from one speed of RAM to another on the same system!
We also want to make it crystal clear that we specifically chose a Ryzen 7 system as it does accentuate the differences between various ram speeds. As such the above results can be considered a ‘worst case scenario’. With that said, there is indeed a difference between mixing RAM and simply opting for all new.
Whether or not this difference is great enough to justify the added expense is entirely up to you. After all it is your system and your budget so maybe saving a bit of money and spending the time and effort to make it work is the better solution. You simply are trading your time and a certain amount of performance for basically halving the cost of your RAM upgrade. Just be aware that just because we got it to work does not mean you will. This is why we have included multiple comparisons in the above chart. We would recommend taking a conservative approach and stepping down one result level so that even if you do run into more issues than us you have taken this into consideration before purchasing only half the RAM you want to use. In other words, ‘hope for the best but plan for the worst’ is always in effect. You might be pleasantly surprised by the end results but you will never be surprised at how bad it turned out.