Tomb Raider Gaming Benchmark
Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game published by Square Enix and released in March 2013. The game has a benchmark component to it that mimics game play and an average of four runs was taken.
The settings used in the testing below are Ultimate default settings for quality, VSync disabled and a resolution of 12560×1440 and 1920×1080.
Tomb Raider is a tough game for NVidia cards when all the settings are maxed out. With that being said while the improvement over a stock 780 did drop to 11-12 percent this is still a double digit increase in performance for a single digit increase in cost. Even better is while you will give up low single digit average performance and about 1 frame per second on the minimums over what a stock 780Ti can do your wallet will be much happier with you as that amount of performance gain does not justify a greater than 27% increase in your video card budget!