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2. Specifications and Features
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Specifications and Features
- 3. Guardian Series Primer
- 4. Multi-Tier Caching Technology Primer
- 5. Tweaking for the Home User
- 6. Closer Look
- 7. Sequential Performance
- 8. ATTO Disk Benchmark
- 9. Crystal Diskmark & AS-SSD
- 10. IOMeter
- 11. Boot time and Data Transfer
- 12. Adobe & VMWare
- 13. Game Load Time
- 14. Partial and Full Drive Performance
- 15. Score Card and Summary
- 16. Closing Statement
Jump to section
2. Specifications and Features
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Specifications and Features
- 3. Guardian Series Primer
- 4. Multi-Tier Caching Technology Primer
- 5. Tweaking for the Home User
- 6. Closer Look
- 7. Sequential Performance
- 8. ATTO Disk Benchmark
- 9. Crystal Diskmark & AS-SSD
- 10. IOMeter
- 11. Boot time and Data Transfer
- 12. Adobe & VMWare
- 13. Game Load Time
- 14. Partial and Full Drive Performance
- 15. Score Card and Summary
- 16. Closing Statement
Tags: 24TB HDD4K A/V StreamsData StorageDeep Queue DepthError CorrectionHDD OptimizationHigh-Demand SystemsHome Theatre PCHTPC StorageLarge Capacity DrivesModern CodecsNAS ArrayOptimized DrivesSAN PerformanceSeagateSkyHAWK AISpecialized Firmwarestorage performanceSurveillance StorageSurveillance Systems