Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game published by Square Enix and released in March 2013. The game has a benchmark component to it that mimics game play and an average of four runs was taken.
The settings used in the testing below are Ultimate default settings for quality (sans ‘hair’ shading), VSync disabled and a resolution of 2560×1440 and 1920×1080.Out of all the test results Tomb Raider is the one game that it is worth mentioning how much better the 380 is compared to the 370. Put simply $50 nets consumers 71.7% better performance. That sums up the difference in performance between these two cards! As for NV vs AMD, it really will come down to your resolution. At 1080P the MSI R9 380 Gaming 2G is slightly better than the increase in price, but the difference is not really big enough to change consumers’ minds. On the other hand at 1440P resolution this cards performance is large enough to convince all but the most hardened of NVIDIA consumers.